Console Commands |
OpCode | Long Name | Short Name | Description |
0100 | Show | TST | Show global scripts and variables. |
0101 | ShowVars | SV | Show variables on object. [player->sv] |
0102 | ShowQuestVars | SQV | Show quest variables. [svq QuestID] |
0103 | ShowQuests | SQ | List quests. |
0104 | ToggleCombatStats | TCS | |
0105 | ToggleSafeZone | TSZ | Display the television 85%% safe zone. |
0106 | ToggleAI | TAI | |
0107 | ToggleCollisionGeometry | TCG | Show collision geometry. |
0108 | ToggleMaterialGeometry | TMG | Show material geometry. |
0109 | ToggleBorders | TB | Show border lines for each cell. |
010A | ToggleSky | TS | |
010B | ToggleLeaves | TLV | |
010C | ToggleWireframe | TWF | Show the world as wireframe. |
010D | ToggleCollision | TCL | |
010E | ToggleDebugText | TDT | Show debug numbers on the screen. |
010F | ToggleMenus | TM | Hide all the menus. Used for taking screen shots. |
0110 | TogglePrimitives | TPR | |
0111 | ShowScenegraph | SSG | Create a window with the full game scene graph or the scene graph of the selected reference. |
0112 | ShowScenegraph | SFSG | Create
a window with the full game scene graph, open to the node corresponding
to the selected reference (if any). |
0113 | ToggleMagicStats | TMS | |
0114 | ShowAnim | SA | Show Animation and Actor status. |
0115 | Show1stPerson | S1ST | Show the 1st person Model from the 3rd person camera. If in 3rd person mode it will show both. |
0116 | Help | | Show this help. |
0117 | ToggleNavMesh | TNM | Toggle blocked display. |
0118 | TogglePathLine | TPL | Toggle path display. |
0119 | PickRefByID | PRID | Select a reference by id for the console. |
011A | SetLightingPasses | SLP | 4 (0/1) values. amb\diff\tex\spec ex: 1010 |
011B | ToggleLODLand | TLL | |
011C | SetLODObjectDistance | SLOD | |
011D | SetTerminalMenuPos | STMP | |
011E | MovePipboyKnob | MPK | move pipboy knob |
011F | HighlightBodyPart | HBP | highlight body part |
0120 | HighlightAdditionalReference | HAR | highlight a reference |
0121 | DeactivateAllHighlights | DAH | remove all VATS highlights |
0122 | ToggleGrassUpdate | TGU | |
0123 | CenterOnCell | COC | |
0124 | SetGameSetting | SetGS | |
0125 | SetINISetting | SetINI | "setting:category" value |
0126 | GetINISetting | GetINI | "setting:category" |
0127 | CenterOnExterior | COE | |
0128 | CalcPathToPoint | P2P | |
0129 | CalcLowPathToPoint | LP2P | ignore locks, allow disabled doors, ignore min use |
012A | SetFog | | 2 floats, start and end depths |
012B | SetClipDist | | float, new clip distance |
012C | ToggleShadowVolumes | TSV | |
012D | SetImageSpaceGlow | SISG | |
012E | ToggleDetection | TDETECT | |
012F | ToggleHighProcess | THIGHPROCESS | |
0130 | ToggleLowProcess | TLOWPROCESS | |
0131 | ToggleMiddleLowProcess | TMLOWPROCESS | |
0132 | ToggleMiddleHighProcess | TMHIGHPROCESS | |
0133 | ToggleAiSchedules | TAIS | |
0134 | SpeakSound | | |
0135 | BetaComment | BC | Add comment to [General] 'sBetaCommentFile' file. |
0136 | ToggleCellNode | TCN | Toggle 3D for a Cell child node: 0-Actor, 1-Marker, 2-Land, 3-Water, 4-Static, 5-Active |
0137 | ToggleTrees | TT | Turn trees on/off |
0138 | SetCameraFOV | FOV | Change the camera's field of view (in deg): default 75 |
0139 | Verbose | VERBOSE | Toggle verbose combat/AI messages |
013A | ToggleGodMode | TGM | Toggle God mode |
013B | RefreshShaders | RS | Reload HLSL shaders from disk |
013C | ToggleScripts | TSCR | Turn Script processing on/off |
013D | ToggleConversations | TCONV | Toggle conversation stats |
013E | ToggleFullHelp | TFH | Toggle Full Help |
013F | ShowQuestLog | SQL | Show Quest Log |
0140 | ShowFullQuestLog | SFQL | Show all log entries for a single quest |
0141 | DumpTexturePalette | DTP | Dump texture palette contents to file |
0142 | DumpModelMap | DMM | Dump model map contents to file |
0143 | CenterOnWorld | COW | [COW worldname -10 5] |
0144 | ToggleGrass | TG | Toggle grass display. |
0145 | AddFaceAnimNote | AFAN | |
0146 | RefreshINI | REFINI | Refresh INI settings from file. |
0147 | ToggleEmotions | temo | Toggle NPC facial emotions. |
0148 | AddDecal | | |
0149 | TestCode | | |
014A | PlayerSpellBook | psb | Add all spells to player. |
014B | PrintAiList | pai | Printed Ai Lists. |
014C | ShowQuestTargets | SQT | Show current quest targets |
014D | HairTint | | 3 ints, RGB |
014E | SaveGame | save | SaveGame <filename> |
014F | LoadGame | load | LoadGame <filename> |
0150 | TestAllCells | TAC | Test All Cells (0 - stop, 1 - start, 2 - interiors, 3 - current world) |
0151 | RenderTestCell | rtc | runs Render Test on player's current parent cell |
0152 | RenderTestHere | rth | runs Render Test on player's current position |
0153 | SaveWorld | | Save hkWorld <filename> |
0154 | ReloadCurrentClimate | rcc | Reloads values from the current climate |
0155 | ReloadCurrentWeather | rcw | Reloads values from the current weather |
0156 | TestSeenData | tsd | Visually displays the current seen data |
0157 | TestLocalMap | tlm | Simulates the local map. (1 or 0 for FOW on or off) |
0158 | MoveToQuestTarget | movetoqt | Move player to current quest target (optional param: target number). |
0159 | PrintNPCDialog | pdialog | Prints NPC dialog |
015A | ShowSubtitle | | show all dialog subtitles (1 shows always, 0 hides always) |
015B | ShowRenderPasses | srp | display render passes for the next frame |
015C | FreezeRenderAccumulation | fra | only re-render geometry visible during this frame |
015D | ToggleOcclusion | tocc | toggle occlusion query for geometry |
015E | OutputMemContexts | omc | Output Mem Context info to a file |
015F | OutputMemStats | oms | Output Mem Stats info to a file |
0160 | ToggleDetectionStats | tds | Show the detection stats of the current seletected Ref. |
0161 | SetTargetRefraction | str | Sets the refractive value of the target |
0162 | SetTargetRefractionFire | strf | Sets the refractive fire value of the target |
0163 | ToggleRefractionDebug | trd | Toggles refraction debug render texture |
0164 | ToggleCharControllerShape | TCCS | Toggle char controller shape type. |
0165 | ShowHeadTrackTarget | SHeadT | Show the head track target if set from look function |
0166 | SetSkyParam | SSP | Sets various values for the sky |
0167 | SetHDRParam | SHP | Sets various values for the HDR shader |
0168 | ShowPivot | SP | Puts a temporary yellow plus at the pivot point of the selected reference. |
0169 | PrintHDRParam | PHP | Prints current HDR settings. |
016A | ToggleHDRDebug | THD | Toggles HDR debug textures. |
016B | RevertWorld | rw | Revert the world |
016C | OutputArchiveProfile | oap | Output Archive profile info to a file |
016D | QuitGame | qqq | Exit game without going through menus. |
016E | SaveIniFiles | saveini | Writes all the .ini files. |
016F | SetDebugText | sdt | Sets which debug text is shown. |
0170 | ToggleLiteBrite | tlb | Toggles lite brite render mode. |
0171 | RunMemoryPass | rmp | Runs a cleanup memory pass |
0172 | ResetMemContexts | rmc | Reset Max Mem Contexts |
0173 | ToggleWaterSystem | TWS | Toggles the water system |
0174 | ToggleWaterRadius | TWR | |
0175 | ShowWhoDetectsPlayer | SWDP | Show who detects the player |
0176 | ToggleCombatAI | tcai | Toggles ALL Combat AI |
0177 | ToggleFlyCam | tfc | Toggles the Free Fly camera (UFO cam). |
0178 | ModWaterShader | mws | Modifies water shader settings |
0179 | WaterShallowColor | shallow | Modifies water shallow color |
017A | WaterDeepColor | deep | Modifies water deep color |
017B | WaterReflectionColor | refl | Modifies water reflection color |
017C | BeginTrace | bt | Creates a trace file (Xenon only) |
017D | RunCellTest | rct | Runs a cell test |
017E | StartAllQuests | saq | Starts all quests |
017F | CompleteAllQuestStages | caqs | Sets all quest stages |
0180 | FlushNonPersistActors | Flush | Deletes all the actors in High who are not persistant |
0181 | ToggleFogOfWar | TFOW | Turns fog of war on or off. |
0182 | OutputLocalMapPictures | OLMP | Writes out the current local map. |
0183 | SetGamma | sg | Sets new gamma ramp. |
0184 | WasteMemory | wm | Allocates some memory (in MB). |
0185 | ClearAdaptedLight | cal | Clears the HDR adapted light texture |
0186 | ToggleCastShadows | tsh | |
0187 | SetHudGlowConstants | shgc | Set parameters for HUD glow. |
0188 | CloseFile | | |
0189 | SetTreeMipmapBias | stmb | Set mipmap LOD bias values for tree billboards. |
018A | SendSherlockDebugText | ssdt | |
018B | DumpMenuPackingInfo | dpmi | Dump menu packing information |
018C | DamageWeapon | | |
018D | GetWeaponHealth | | |
018E | OutputMemStats | omsfw | Output Mem Stats info to a file |
018F | PlayExplosion | | Plays explosion seq in selected obj |
0190 | SetMaxAniso | | Sets Depth of Field focal distance |
0191 | SetDepthOfFieldRange | sdofr | Sets Depth of Field range |
0192 | SetTargetDOF | stdof | Sets the depth of field based on the target |
0193 | ToggleFullScreenMotionBlur | tfsmb | Toggles Full screen motion blur |
0194 | SetMotionBlur | smb | Set the motion blur params |
0195 | ToggleFootIK | tfik | Toggles Foot IK system |
0196 | SetVel | | Sets Velocity on a reference |
0197 | DebugCombatPlan | dcp | Debugs the combat plan on an actor |
0198 | SetCombatActionCost | scc | Sets the cost on a combat action |
0199 | ToggleCombatDebug | tcd | Toggles combat debug info |
019A | ForceGroupStrategy | fgs | Forces a combat group strategy |
019B | TogglePathingInfoFunction | TPI | Toggle pathing information. |
019C | ShowInventory | inv | Shows reference inventory |
019D | ResetPerformanceTimers | rpt | Resets the performance timers |
019E | ToggleDebugDecal | TDD | Toggle debug displays for decal creation : 0-Wireframe, 1-Solid, 2-Occlusion Query, 3-Transform |
019F | ToggleDecalRendering | TDR | Toggle decal rendering |
01A0 | SetImageSpaceModifiersEnable | sisme | Set imagespace modifiers enable: 0-Off, 1-On |
01A1 | SetUFOCamSpeedMult | sucsm | Set speed mult for UFO cam. |
01A2 | DeleteReference | zap | Deletes the specified object ref |
01A3 | ToggleTestLight | TTL | Toggle test light (radius, magnitude). |
01A4 | PlaceLocationMarker | plm | PlaceLocationMarker x y z (optional name) (optional color ) |
01A5 | ClearLocationMarkers | clm | |
01A6 | ToggleMultiboundCheck | mbc | Toggle all Multibound check functionality |
01A7 | ToggleGrabIK | tgik | Toggles Grab IK system |
01A8 | ToggleLookIK | tlik | Toggles Look IK system |
01A9 | ToggleRagdollAnim | tra | Toggles Ragdoll Anim system |
01AA | AddOcclusionPlane | AOP | Add Occlusion plane (x size, y size). |
01AB | SetGlobalRadialBlur | sgrb | Set parameters for the global radial blur |
01AC | OutputTextureUseMap | OTUM | Writes out texture use map data to file. |
01AD | ToggleVATSLight | TVL | Toggle VATS Light |
01AE | ClearScreenBlood | csb | Clear screen blood |
01AF | ScreenBloodTest | tsbTEST | Toggle screen blood debugging |
01B0 | ResetDialogueFlags | rdf | Debug resets SayOnce, TalkedToPc, etc. |
01B1 | ResetAllTerminals | rat | Debug resets all hacked/locked terminals. |
01B2 | GetActorValueInfo | GetAVInfo | Get detailed an actor value info. [player.getav luck] |
01B3 | CloseAllMenus | cam | Closes all open menus |
01B4 | ToggleBoundVisGeom | tbvg | Toggles bound visualization for a ref |
01B5 | DebugMilesPS3 | dm3 | Enumerates Miles samples and streams |
01B6 | SetConsoleOuputFile | scof | Sets the given file as target for console output. |
01B7 | TestRaceSexTerimnal | trst | Test race/sex menu rendered terminal |
01B8 | IgnoreRenderPass | irp | Ignore the given renderpass |
01B9 | PlayVATSCameras | pvc | Play this set of VATS cameras for the next VATS playback. |
01BA | SetTargetFalloff | stfo | Sets the falloff of the target |
01BB | ToggleActorMover | tam | Toggles actor movement through pathing system |
01BC | CopySaves | CopySaves | Copy save games from the host machine or a memory stick (ms). |
01BD | DrawSkeleton | das | Enables skeleton drawing |
01BE | ToggleEOFImageSpace | teofis | Toggles end of frame imagespace effects |
01BF | ForceFileCache | ffc | Enumerates Miles samples and streams |
01C0 | DumpNiUpdates | dnu | Dumps
the next frame's calls to NiNode/NiAVObject::UpdateDownwardPass to
NiDump*.xls (only Debug/PIX 360 builds) |
01C1 | TestDegrade | | degrades the specified number of MB of textures. negative values degrade all possible. (only 360 builds) |
01C2 | ToggleDepthBias | tdb | toggles depth bias for decals on or off |
01C3 | ToggleSPURenderBatch | tSPURB | toggles the SPU render batch on or off |
01C4 | ToggleSPUTransformUpdate | tSPUTU | toggles the SPU transform update on or off |
01C5 | ModifyFaceGen | mfg | Modify FaceGen Functionality |
01C6 | ForceRSXCrash | fRSX | Forces an RSX crash |
01C7 | SetEmitterParticleMax | | Sets the maximum number of particles emitted by a non-master particle system emitter |
01C8 | SetMPSParticleMax | | Sets the maximum number of particles emitted by master particle system emitter set |
01C9 | SetTaskThreadSleep | | Sets the task thread sleep value (-1 to disable). |
01CA | SetTaskThreadUpdateSleep | | Sets the task thread update sleep value (-1 to disable). |
01CB | EvalActorTextures | EAT | |