Fallout Script Extender (FOSE)
by Ian Patterson (ianpatt), Stephen Abel (behippo), and Paul Connelly (scruggsywuggsy the ferret)

The Fallout Script Extender, or FOSE for short, is a modder's resource that expands the scripting capabilities of Fallout 3. It does so without modifying the Fallout3.exe or the G.E.C.K. files on disk, so there are no permanent side effects.

Contributions from: Timeslip, Elminster EU

2021-10-12 update (if you are seeing CRC = D32E228B errors): Bethesda has released an update labeled on Steam. This does two things: removes GFWL, and updates the compiler to VS2019. Use a downgrader for compatibility with the script extender and plugins.

Current stable version: v1.2 b2
Download: http://fose.silverlock.org/download/fose_v1_2_beta2.7z
Latest loader: http://fose.silverlock.org/download/fose_loader.7z (adds support for Russian
Documentation: http://fose.silverlock.org/fose_command_doc.html

This is a stable and supported release of FOSE, so modders are free to release mods based upon it.

FOSE v1.2 beta2 provides support for:
Retail DVD and Steam builds,, both versions of,, and
The no-gore version of released in Germany is also supported.
The GOG version is also supported.

GECK builds and

Current beta version: v1.3 b2
Download: http://fose.silverlock.org/beta/fose_v1_3_beta.7z

FOSE does not support:

Retail DVD and Steam build (the original pre-patch version of Fallout) - if you have this version, update to
Russian DVD version of Fallout 3 (it uses Starforce encryption on Fallout3.exe)
Direct2Drive version of Fallout 3 (it encrypts the Fallout3.exe) - download the game from Steam if you would like to use a digital download service
Polish DVD version of Fallout 3 (it uses SafeDisc copy protection on Fallout3.exe)
The Windows App Store version of Fallout

* FOSE is incompatible with Windows Live, so when running via fose_loader.exe, Live will be disabled. As Live operates as a cheat-detection tool similar to Punkbuster or VAC, FOSE's in-memory modifications are inherently incomptible. Don't worry about being banned or anything like that, everything still works when running Fallout normally. To download DLC, launch fallout3.exe directly instead of via the loader. After downloading the DLC, you will then need to move the DLC files in to the Fallout data folders to use them like any other mod.